Person Details

Birthday: 1927-11-08 21:34:10

Death: 2013-01-11 21:34:10

Aliases: No known aliases

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Vietnam


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Nguyễn Khánh was a South Vietnamese military officer and Army of the Republic of Vietnam general who served in various capacities as head of state and prime minister of South Vietnam while at the head of a military junta from January 1964 until February 1965. He was involved in or against many coup attempts, failed and successful, from 1960 until his defeat and exile from South Vietnam in 1965. Khánh lived out his later years with his family, in exile in the United States.

Most Famous Work

Hearts and Minds

Hearts and Minds

(1975) Self - President of South Vietnam 1964-65


Year Character Movie/Tv
1975 Self - President of South Vietnam 1964-65
Year Character Movie/Tv

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