Person Details
Birthday: 1966-06-24 11:18:26
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Bromarv, Finland
Movie Involvements: 9
TV Involvements: 4
Most Famous Work
Nicke Lignell is a Finnish actor. He is best known for hosting the game show 'Voitto kotiin', that was based on the US game show 'Family Feud'. Lignell has worked as a freelance actor since 1993.
Most Famous Work
(2014) Jari ValkjärviKotikatu
(1995) Tero BlomsterAddiction - When Nothing Is Enough
(2004) NiklasLove in a Fish Bowl
(1993) JoniWhere Once We Walked
(2011) OrdförandenYellow Sulphur Sky
(2021) FrejMaailma on valmis
(2012) Isä UrpolaAmazing Women by the Sea
(1998) Gabbel ÄngellActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2022 | Axel Reuter | |
2021 | Frej | |
2014 | Jari Valkjärvi | |
2012 | Isä Urpola | |
Erik Gunnar Melin | ||
2011 | Ordföranden | |
2007 | Johannes Smeds | |
2006 | N/A | |
2005 | Jarkko | |
2004 | Niklas | |
1999 | Stig | |
1998 | Gabbel Ängell | |
1995 | Tero Blomster | |
1994 | Eero Valo / Iiro Valo | |
1993 | Joni | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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