Person Details
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Female
Place of birth:
Movie Involvements: 4
TV Involvements: 5
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
La petite séduction
(2006) SelfRue des Pignons
(1966) Fifine TouchetteLe temps d'une paix
(1980) Rose-Anna Saint-CyrCrying Out
(2010) Tante DeniseAudition
(2005) Grand-mère accidentéeApparences
(2012) Fernande BérubéCormoran
(1990) Bella CormoranThe Lady of Colours
(1985) Soeur BéatriceActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2012 | Fernande Bérubé | |
2010 | Tante Denise | |
2006 | Self | |
2005 | Grand-mère accidentée | |
2002 | Self | |
1996 | Herself | |
1994 | Paméla Lalonde | |
1990 | Bella Cormoran | |
1985 | Soeur Béatrice | |
1983 | N/A | |
1980 | Rose-Anna Saint-Cyr | |
1975 | N/A | |
1974 | N/A | |
1973 | Antoinette | |
1966 | Fifine Touchette | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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