Person Details
Aliases: Николай Бубнов
Gender: N/A
Place of birth:
Movie Involvements: 6
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
War and Peace
(1966) General MackWar and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky
(1966) General MackThe Brothers Karamazov
(1969) lawmanPosle bala
(1962) Pyotr Vladislavovich ButyrlinThe Secret Agent's Blunder
(1968) Tulyev's fatherRuslan and Ludmila
(1938) Prince VladimirActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1971 | N/A | |
1969 | N/A | |
lawman | ||
1968 | Tulyev's father | |
1966 | General Mack | |
General Mack | ||
1962 | Pyotr Vladislavovich Butyrlin | |
1956 | Дон Педро | |
1938 | Prince Vladimir | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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