Person Details

Birthday: 1978-09-28 17:10:35

Aliases: Ольга Калашникова , Ol'ga Kalashnikova , Olga Kalashnikova (I)

Gender: Female

Place of birth: Togliatti, USSR (Russia)


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 1

Most Famous Work


Was born on September 28, 1978 in Togliatti. She graduated from the Pedagogical Institute with a degree in "Teacher of Russian Language and Literature". She worked in the school, she was in the theater studio. Was engaged in the youth theater "Rovesnik" with the director-teacher N. S. Khodova. In 2005 she graduated from the directing department of RATI-GITIS (actor's group, Sergey Zhenovach's Workshop). In the graduation performance "Late Love" Varvara Kharitonovna Lebedkin played. In the play "How you like it" played Phoebe, in the play "Ob-lo-mo-shchina ..." Agafy Matveyevna Pshenitsyn. (

Most Famous Work

The Penal Battalion

The Penal Battalion

(2004) Sveta
Over The City

Over The City

(2010) Нюта, мама Игната

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