Person Details

Birthday: 1939-06-30 11:58:35

Death: 2013-10-19 11:58:35

Aliases: Francisco Sanches Netto

Gender: Male

Place of birth: São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 2

Most Famous Work


Paco Sanches, was born Francisco Sanches Netto in São Paulo, SP, on June 30, 1939. He began his career as an actor at the Teatro de Arena, performing in important plays such as A Granada, Primeira Feira Paulista de Opinião, Macbird. In the cinema, he made his debut in 1976 in the film Sabendo Usar Não Vai Faltar, and then works on Aberrações Sexuais, O Homem do Pau Brasil, As Vigaristas do Sexo and his best moment, which was in the film Marvada Carne, a production that inspired him to play the play Marvada Mula, which has been in print for more than 10 years.

Most Famous Work



(1994) Manjubinha
Como uma Onda

Como uma Onda

(2004) Manjubinha

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