Person Details

Birthday: 1955-09-06 20:46:22

Aliases: No known aliases

Gender: Female

Place of birth: Kansas, USA


Movie Involvements: 0

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Pamela Zinszer was born on September 6, 1955 in Kansas. She attended the University of Southern California. Pamela was the Playmate of the Month in the March, 1974 issue of "Playboy." Zinszer did several follow-up pictorials for "Playboy": She's featured along with her equally fetching sisters in the April, 1978 issue and did a nude pictorial on her own called "Playmates Forever! Part Two" in the April, 1984 issue. Moreover, Pamela posed in a bikini for the truckers' magazine "Owner Operator." Her sole foray into film acting was as Linda in the inane comedy sequel "The Happy Hooker Goes to Washington."

Most Famous Work


Year Character Movie/Tv
1977 Linda
Year Character Movie/Tv

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