Person Details
Aliases: Полина Виторган
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Moscow, Russia
Movie Involvements: 3
TV Involvements: 1
Most Famous Work
Polina Vitorgan (born July 26, 1996, Moscow) is a Russian theater and film actress. She was born in the family of actors Maxim Vitorgan and Victoria Verberg. In 2015, she completed a course at the New York Film Academy. In 2017, she graduated from RATI-GITIS (Workshop of A.V. Borodin) and joined the RAMT troupe, where she worked until 2021. Meanwhile, in 2018, the audience saw her in the play "The Snow Maiden", staged at the Theater of Nations by Oleg Dolin. In 2022, the actress left Russia for political reasons and now lives in Israel.
Most Famous Work
(2021) ГаляCaptain Volkonogov Escaped
(2021) LependinaStand by Me
(2022) VikaHigh Above
(2019) NinaActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2022 | Vika | |
2021 | N/A | |
Галя | ||
Lependina | ||
2020 | N/A | |
2019 | Nina | |
2017 | N/A | |
Nastya | ||
2016 | N/A | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |