Person Details


Aliases: Mayor Rocky Anderson

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Logan, Utah, USA


Movie Involvements: 3

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson II (born September 9, 1951) is an American attorney, writer, activist, and civil and human rights advocate. He served two terms as the 33rd Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah, from 2000 to 2008. Prior to serving as Mayor, Anderson practiced law for 21 years in Salt Lake City, during which he was the 1996 Democratic nominee for Congress in Utah’s Second Congressional District. Following his terms as mayor, Anderson founded and served as the Executive Director of High Road for Human Rights and returned to his legal practice, frequently bringing legal challenges to government programs. Anderson also served as the 2012 presidential nominee for his newly created Justice Party, receiving 43,000 votes out of more than 129 million votes cast. Anderson ran again for mayor of Salt Lake City in the 2023 mayoral election, but he lost to incumbent Erin Mendenhall 58% to 34%.

Most Famous Work

Jack's Law

Jack's Law

(2006) Defense Attorney
City of Salt

City of Salt

(2020) Senator Ross
Third Party President: Citizen Rocky


Year Character Movie/Tv
2020 Senator Ross
2016 Self
2010 Himself
2006 Defense Attorney
Year Character Movie/Tv

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