Person Details
Birthday: 1941-01-01 02:08:33
Aliases: Jacob Sisters , Geschwister Jacob
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Schmannewitz, Germany
Movie Involvements: 0
TV Involvements: 6
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Die Montagsmaler
(1974) SelfMeine Melodie
(1965) SelfUnsere kleine Show
(1969) SelfTreffpunkte
(1970) SelfDie Lotto-Show
(1998) SelfStelldichein beim Wein
(1967) selfActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2001 | herself | |
1998 | Self | |
1992 | Self | |
1983 | Self | |
1974 | Self | |
1970 | Self | |
1969 | Self | |
1968 | N/A | |
1967 | self | |
1965 | Self | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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