Person Details
Birthday: 1925-05-15 02:01:34
Death: 2008-10-27 02:01:34
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Jamaica
Movie Involvements: 8
TV Involvements: 4
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Doctor Who
(1963) Strong ManThe Avengers
(1961) GilesOut of the Unknown
(1965) Security GuardLive and Let Die
(1973) QuarrelSympathy for the Devil
(1968) Black Power MilitantTwins of Evil
(1971) JoachimArabian Adventure
(1979) NubianLady Caroline Lamb
(1972) Black PugActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1981 | Pomeroy | |
1979 | Nubian | |
1976 | N/A | |
1973 | Quarrel | |
1972 | Black Pug | |
N/A | ||
1971 | Joachim | |
Mr. Howanda | ||
Strong Man | ||
1970 | Nosha | |
1968 | Black Power Militant | |
1967 | Toberman | |
1965 | Security Guard | |
1964 | Ali | |
1963 | Toberman | |
Strong Man | ||
1961 | Giles | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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