Person Details
Birthday: 1921-01-01 08:04:54
Death: 1993-09-17 08:04:54
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Lupény, Romania
Movie Involvements: 11
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Willy The Sparrow
(1988) Zsozsó, the drunk ratTwo Half-Times in Hell
(1961) KoczinaMerry-Go-Round
(1956) Czigány MártonMattie the Goose-Boy
(1977) Puskatöltögetõ (voice)Smugglers
(1958) Romanian border guardThe Treasure of Swamp Castle
(1985) Prince Eugene of Savoy (voice)Underground Colony
(1951) KörnyeCollision
(1964) Terpinkó's brother-in-lawActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1988 | Zsozsó, the drunk rat | |
1985 | Prince Eugene of Savoy (voice) | |
1983 | Bíró | |
Idős vendég | ||
1977 | Puskatöltögetõ (voice) | |
1973 | Szuhay, 'nyomozó' | |
1972 | N/A | |
1971 | N/A | |
1969 | Szurkoló | |
1968 | Rendőrtiszt | |
1966 | N/A | |
N/A | ||
1965 | Actor | |
1964 | Terpinkó's brother-in-law | |
1963 | Hornyák | |
1962 | N/A | |
Szerb | ||
N/A | ||
1961 | Koczina | |
N/A | ||
1960 | N/A | |
N/A | ||
1959 | N/A | |
Huszár | ||
Lieutenant | ||
1958 | Romanian border guard | |
1957 | N/A | |
Sztetelay | ||
1956 | Czigány Márton | |
1951 | Környe | |
N/A | ||
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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