Person Details

Birthday: 1995-03-28 17:50:47

Aliases: No known aliases

Gender: Female

Place of birth: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Movie Involvements: 0

TV Involvements: 0

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Sanjana Anand is an Indian actress who appears in Kannada films. She made her debut with Chemistry of Kariyappa which was released in February 2019. Her second film Male Billu was released in July 2019. Kushka is another film that Sanjana started along with Kariappa. She is set to appear as the female lead in Duniya Vijay's directorial debut Salaga, in Shokiwala opposite Ajay Rao, and in Kshatriya opposite Chiranjeevi Sarja. She will also feature in the web series Honeymoon directed by Vikram Yoganand.

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