Person Details

Birthday: 1955-10-12 21:02:03

Death: 1974-04-17 21:02:03

Aliases: Susan Elaine Rancourt , Prudence Pureheart

Gender: Female

Place of birth: La Conner, Washington, USA


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Susan Rancourt was a young woman. She was one of the victims of the notorious serial killer Ted Bundy. She differed from Bundy's other victims in that she was blond and slightly plump, whereas Bundy had previously only targeted slim, dark-haired women. Many believe that Susan Rancourt's murder was due to an uncontrollable impulse and Bundy's rage at having failed to kill Katherine Clara D'Olivo and Jane Curtis. CAUSE OF DEATH: abducted, skull fractured, killed and probably raped.

Most Famous Work

Ted Bundy: Mind of a Monster

Ted Bundy: Mind of a Monster

(2019) Self - Victim (archive footage)


Year Character Movie/Tv
2019 Self - Victim (archive footage)
Year Character Movie/Tv

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