Person Details
Aliases: Tatyana Semyonovna Barysheva , Tania Barisheva , T.S. Barysheva , T. Barysheva , Tatiana Barysheva , Татьяна Семёновна Барышева , Т. Барышева
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Moscow, Russian Empire [now Russia]
Movie Involvements: 12
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Tatyana Barysheva was a Russian film actress.
Most Famous Work
Ballad of a Soldier
(1959) Pavlov's Neighbor (uncredited)The Twelve Months
(1956) Stepmother (voice)Kolobok
(1956) Old woman (voice)Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors
(1963) Бабушка Оли (Olya's Grandmother)Vassilisa the Beautiful
(1940) Malanya's motherIn the Heart of the Forest
(1954) Badger-mother (voice)When Christmas Trees Light Up
(1950) Mother Hare (voice)Girl No. 217
(1945) Mrs. KraussActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1968 | Mouse (voice) | |
1965 | Brautwerberin | |
1964 | Cook | |
1963 | Бабушка Оли (Olya's Grandmother) | |
1962 | Ball's hostess, governor's wife | |
1960 | N/A | |
1959 | Pavlov's Neighbor (uncredited) | |
1956 | Nurse at the Maternity Ward (uncredited) | |
Old woman (voice) | ||
Stepmother (voice) | ||
1954 | Badger-mother (voice) | |
1953 | N/A | |
N/A | ||
1951 | N/A | |
1950 | Mother Hare (voice) | |
1949 | N/A | |
1948 | Klavdiya Semyonovna | |
Grandmother | ||
1945 | Mrs. Krauss | |
1941 | N/A | |
Журкевич | ||
N/A | ||
1940 | Malanya's mother | |
1939 | N/A | |
N/A | ||
1936 | N/A | |
1935 | N/A | |
1934 | N/A | |
1932 | N/A | |
N/A | ||
1931 | N/A | |
N/A | ||
1928 | Victory Genius | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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