Person Details
Birthday: 1956-05-13 05:50:59
Aliases: Татьяна Бондаренко
Gender: Female
Place of birth: USSR
Movie Involvements: 5
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
The Day after Tomorrow at Midnight
(1981) LauraExercise with three unknowns
(1979) Lena - nevesta ShustovaWhite Snow Of Russia
(1980) SluzhankaTalisman
(1983) SekretarshaLimit of desire
(1982) Mama AlyoshiActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1983 | Sekretarsha | |
1982 | Mama Alyoshi | |
1981 | Laura | |
1980 | Sluzhanka | |
1979 | Lena - nevesta Shustova | |
student | ||
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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