Person Details

Birthday: 1909-06-02 13:39:40

Death: 1999-02-06 13:39:40

Aliases: Thomas Banyacya Sr.

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Moenkopi, Arizona, USA


Movie Involvements: 2

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Thomas Banyacya Sr. (1909-1999) was a Hopi Native American traditional leader. In 1948, he was one of four Hopis (along with David Monongye, Dan Evehema, and Dan Katchongva) who were named by elders to reveal Hopi traditional wisdom and teachings, including the Hopi prophecies for the future, to the general public after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

Most Famous Work

Broken Rainbow

Broken Rainbow

(1985) Self - Interpreter for Traditional Hopi Leaders
The Four Corners: A National Sacrifice Area?

The Four Corners: A National Sacrifice Area?

(1983) Self - Hopi Spokesperson


Year Character Movie/Tv
1991 Self
1985 Self - Interpreter for Traditional Hopi Leaders
1983 Self - Hopi Spokesperson
Year Character Movie/Tv

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