Person Details
Birthday: 1911-08-25 10:53:40
Death: 1989-05-09 10:53:40
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Movie Involvements: 7
TV Involvements: 3
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
The Time Tunnel
(1966) TorturerCHiPs
(1977) 1st Mover / ForemanOn the Waterfront
(1954) Longshoreman (uncredited)The Egyptian
(1954) Libyan GuardPanic in the Streets
(1950) Bosun on Nile Queen (uncredited)Pinky
(1949) George (Wooleys' Chauffeur) (uncredited)How I Spent My Summer Vacation
(1967) YoshiroLast of the American Hoboes
(1969) Green River Slim (uncredited)Acting
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1978 | Omar | |
1977 | 1st Mover / Foreman | |
1975 | Butch Morgan | |
1972 | Agent Togohashi | |
1969 | Green River Slim (uncredited) | |
1968 | Security Guard (uncredited) | |
1967 | Yoshiro | |
1966 | Burley Greek (uncredited) | |
Executioner | ||
Torturer | ||
1965 | Elevator Operator | |
Security Guard | ||
N/A | ||
1964 | Bully | |
1963 | N/A | |
1962 | N/A | |
1959 | Small Role (uncredited) | |
1954 | Libyan Guard | |
Longshoreman (uncredited) | ||
1950 | Bosun on Nile Queen (uncredited) | |
1949 | George (Wooleys' Chauffeur) (uncredited) | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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