Person Details
Birthday: 1929-02-16 15:14:09
Death: 1992-12-03 15:14:09
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth:
Movie Involvements: 5
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Operation Bororo
(1973) ChoreographerLucerna
(1967) ChoreographerPoslyšte příběh, který se vám stal
(1973) ChoreographerPolka jede do světa
(1965) ChoreographerKonečná stanica Rytmus
(1964) ChoreographerActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1986 | N/A | |
1973 | N/A | |
Dancer | ||
1968 | N/A | |
1964 | N/A | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
1973 | Choreographer | |
Choreographer | ||
1967 | Choreographer | |
1965 | Choreographer | |
1964 | Choreographer | |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
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