Person Details
Birthday: 1908-03-09 06:12:26
Death: 2001-05-03 06:12:26
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Movie Involvements: 4
TV Involvements: 2
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Tales of the Unexpected
(1979) SeamusThe Six Wives of Henry VIII
(1970) TutorMacbeth
(1983) Old ManThe Stalls of Barchester
(1971) LibrarianThe House on Highbury Hill
(1972) Irish priestCarson Country
(1972) ClergymanActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1983 | Old Man | |
1981 | Joseph | |
1979 | Seamus | |
1978 | Peter Marston | |
1972 | Clergyman | |
Irish priest | ||
1971 | Librarian | |
1970 | Tutor | |
1969 | Bowers | |
1968 | N/A | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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