Person Details
Birthday: 1898-09-12 00:33:12
Death: 1986-09-30 00:33:12
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Dublin, Ireland
Movie Involvements: 13
TV Involvements: 2
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
(1960) DoctorThe Scales of Justice
(1962) Ronald MilsomDracula
(1958) Priest (uncredited)The Mafu Cage
(1978) WillOffbeat
(1961) Bank ManagerDilemma
(1962) Mr. Ridley - BankerCharleston
(1979) 2nd SoldierDublin Nightmare
(1958) Edward DillonActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1979 | 2nd Soldier | |
1978 | Will | |
1966 | Admiral | |
1962 | Mr Dennis Bennett | |
Ronald Milsom | ||
Mr. Ridley - Banker | ||
1961 | Bank Manager | |
1960 | Doctor | |
1958 | Edward Dillon | |
Priest (uncredited) | ||
1956 | N/A | |
1950 | N/A | |
1917 | Donald Duncan | |
Hal Harding | ||
1916 | Jefferson | |
1915 | Rudolph [Ch. 6] | |
1914 | A Detective | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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