Person Details


Aliases: Shimura Yumi , 志村 由美 , Inoue Hana , 井ノ上 花 , Tange Youko , 丹下 葉子 , Uchimura Shiori , 内村 詩織 , Watanabe Ryouko , 渡辺 涼子 , Shimura Toyoko , 志村 豊子

Gender: Female

Place of birth:


Movie Involvements: 0

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Shimura Yumi, born November 30 in Yamanashi as Shimura Toyoko (志村 豊子), is a former Japanese voice actress. She was employed by the talent management firm I'm Enterprise. Inoue Hana is an alias used by Shimura Yumi for adult work. On June 30, 2016, Shimura anouced her retirement from voice acting.

Most Famous Work


Year Character Movie/Tv
2013 Kanaria (voice)
Year Character Movie/Tv

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