Series Details
Seasons: 6
Total Episodes: 52
Creators: Fredrik Wikingsson , Filip Hammar
Networks: Kanal 5
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Sep 5, 2004
Recent Air Date: May 5, 2008
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Swedish
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: STO-CPH Produktion
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100 höjdare was a Swedish TV series which was produced and aired on Kanal 5. Six seasons of the show were produced and it ran from 2004 to 2008. It was hosted by the comedy duo Filip Hammar & Fredrik Wikingsson. In the first three seasons the hosts presented funny moments, often in the form of video clips, listing their 100 all-time favorites. In season two and three they also discuss the clips with celebrity guests. By season four the format changed and instead of showing clips, Filip and Fredrik made impromptu interviews with people, often in their homes.
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Producer | |
Musical Casting | ||
Department | Role | Name |