Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 8
Networks: National Geographic
Status: Returning Series
First Air Date: Nov 24, 2015
Recent Air Date: Jan 12, 2016
Run Time: m
In Production: Yes
Original Language: English
Age Rating: TV-14
Website: Link
Production Companies: Original Productions , National Geographic
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Where to watch Badlands, Texas
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The small town of Terlingua, Texas is a little known oasis on the Rio Grande River where eccentric residents trade modern comforts for a unique brand of freedom. But the price of their freedom proves high when a brutal crime threatens to tear their town apart. This true-crime docu-series delves into the eccentric world of Terlingua as its citizens struggle to reconcile the killing of a dear friend and fight to hold the town together as it grapples with change.