Series Details
Seasons: 2
Total Episodes: 12
Networks: Rai Play , Rai 1
Status: Returning Series
First Air Date: Nov 22, 2021
Recent Air Date: Nov 9, 2023
Run Time: m
In Production: Yes
Original Language: Italian
Age Rating: 6
Website: Link
Production Companies: Rai Fiction , Lux Vide
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Blanca Ferrando is a young woman who became blind at the age of twelve, due to a dramatic fire in which her older sister Beatrice died and which was caused by her violent boyfriend, Sebastian. This tragedy made her develop a very strong sense of justice to the point of pushing her to join the police. Blanca is helped by her most trusted friends: her guide dog Linneo, a female bulldog who protects and comforts her in the most difficult moments, and her beautician friend, Stella. After overcoming her work challenges, she finds herself facing sentimental ones: torn between two men, Inspector Michele Liguori, a man of many secrets, and Nanni, a young cook.