Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 21
Creators: Lee Tim-sing
Networks: TVB Jade
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Dec 6, 2011
Recent Air Date: Jan 3, 2012
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: langcode.cn
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: TVB
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Mrs. Ko, Tung Kwok-hing, lies to her husband Mr. Ko Shiu-tong that the orphan boy she brings home is his long lost illegal son, Ko Yee-ho. Mr. Ko believes Yee-ho will make a better heir than his elder son, Ko Yee-tai, resulting in Mrs. Ko kicking Ko Yee-ho out of the house in anger. Homeless, Yee-ho gets a taste of the bitterness in life and is determined to return home and take revenge on his adopted family under a different name. Meanwhile, he meets his childhood best friend Tsui Sum, who had just taken over her family business. Yee-ho decides to win her love, fully confident that he will win her new wealth as well. However, old ties, secrets, and memories of a childhood sweetheart come back to haunt him as he begins to embark on a road that threatens the lives of all he holds dear.