
TMDB Rating 4.5

Series Details

Seasons: 2

Total Episodes: 12

Creators: Rollo Robertson


Status: Returning Series

First Air Date: Jan 24, 2013

Recent Air Date: Oct 13, 2014

Run Time: m

In Production: Yes

Original Language: English

Age Rating: NR

Website: Link

Production Companies: Rollo Robertson Productions




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Twice decorated Sgt. Vincent Minette moves his family from New York to Rebus, New Jersey for a new detective job after his partner of 8 years was killed in a violent gang war. While driving with the new Rebus Chief of Police, new troubles begin. The corrupt Chief uses Minette's back up firearm to shoot a young drug dealer in cold blood. The police want to make sure that all new cops are either committed to the advancement of their corrupt brotherhood, or blackmailed for their silence. Minette, being a good cop stuck in a bad situation, has too many corrupt cops to take on himself and every friend could be a hidden enemy. Minette frames 5 black men from the neighborhood to help him catch these cops in the act without implementing Minette's involvement. Minette convinces these men this is a police funded group and they have to keep things quiet, but unknown to them, Minette is funding this crusade with his own police salary and it's running thin. Minette's actions have also attracted the attention of the biggest drug lord in Rebus. When his dirty cop protection starts to run thin. Minette seems to have success. Time and luck are running out for Minette as one of the men he framed is looking for the cop that murdered his younger brother and is using Minette's offer to secretly kill cops until the trail leads him to the firearm that killed his brother.

Main Cast

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Season 1

Season 1

2013 | 8 episodes

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