Series Details
Seasons: 2
Total Episodes: 20
Networks: ITV1
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Jun 5, 1985
Recent Air Date: Aug 8, 1987
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies:
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Bulman is a Granada TV series which ran from 1985–1987 and followed the fortunes of the major character from the earlier XYY Man and Strangers series. Bulman was based - increasingly loosely - on the character featured in the XYY Man novels by Kenneth Royce. In this incarnation, Don Henderson appeared again as former Detective Chief Inspector George Bulman, ostensibly retired from police work and repairing old clocks but active as a private investigator, with Lucy McGinty as his assistant. They are frequently drawn into the clandestine world of the secret service through the machinations of security chief Dugdale or Bulman's one-time police boss Lambie.