Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 175
Creators: Kary Fajer
Networks: Las Estrellas
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Jun 19, 2000
Recent Air Date: Feb 16, 2001
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Spanish
Age Rating: TV-PG
Website: Link
Production Companies: Televisa , Televisa S.A. de C.V.
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Where to watch Little Angel Face Season 1
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Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Marta Luna
Juan Carlos Muñoz
Lily Garza
Continuity |
Carmen García
Noemi Cortés
Assistant Director |
Victor Rodriguez
Juana María Maroto
Script Supervisor |
Olivia Reyes
Writing | Adaptation |
Alberto Aridjis
Writer |
Abel Santacruz
Kary Fajer
Alberto Gómez
Story Editor |
Ricardo Tejeda
Rosario Velicia
Camera | Camera Operator |
Pedro Pérez A.
Alfredo Correa C.
Ángel Campos
Gonzalo Cruz
Assistant Camera |
Aristeo Arreola
Production | Production Assistant |
Carlos Barajas Z.
Angeles Jaimes
Blanca Palacios
Martha Rebelo
Juan Moreno
Armando Cupil
Alejandro Cisneros
Sergio Pichardo
Production Manager |
Moisés Álvarez
Valentin Rodriguez
Associate Producer |
Pablo Noceda
Georgina Castro
Executive Producer |
Nicandro Díaz González
General Manager |
Paulina Viesca
Editing | Editor |
Susana Valencia
Claudio González
Assistant Editor |
Pablo Peralta
Sound | Sound |
Hugo Reyes B.
Boom Operator |
Mario Saldaña
David Huerta
Music Editor |
Luis Alberto Diazayas
Alberto Olmedo
Music |
Paco Navarrete
Crew | Compositor |
Luis Guzmán
Gerardo León
Axel Moss
Ole Georg
Video Assist Operator |
Ramón Franco N.
Dialogue Coach |
Emmanuel Duprez
Cinematography |
Rubén Barajas
Ernesto Arreola
Héctor Márquez
Choreographer |
Beatriz Cecilia
Stunts |
Omar Ayala
Art | Set Designer |
Mauro Vázquez
Ernesto Esteva
Mario Sánchez L.
Set Decoration |
Patricia de Vincenzo
Costume & Make-Up | Hairstylist |
Teresa Sáez
Gabriela Ramírez
Costume Design |
Laura Villafaña
Alejandra Mendoza
Gabriela Castellanos
Dulce Penettre
Makeup Artist |
Adriana Hernández
Lighting | Lighting Technician |
Arturo Aguilera
Department | Role | Name |