Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 100
Networks: ITV1
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Apr 4, 1969
Recent Air Date: Feb 26, 2002
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies:
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Main Cast
Ann Way
Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%
Gretchen Franklin
Age : 94 | Popularity : 32%
Jill Summers
Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%
John Comer
Age : N/A | Popularity : 26%
Sally James
Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%
Kathy Staff
Age : N/A | Popularity : 19%

Episode 1
04 April 1969 - Episode 1
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Episode 2
04 April 1969 - Episode 2
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Episode 3
08 April 1969 - Episode 3
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Episode 4
15 April 1969 - Episode 4
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Episode 5
15 April 1969 - Episode 5
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Episode 6
18 April 1969 - Episode 6
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Episode 7
22 April 1969 - Episode 7
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Episode 8
25 April 1969 - Episode 8
No Synopsis For This Episode Yet.

Episode 9
29 April 1969 - Episode 9
No Synopsis For This Episode Yet.

Episode 10
02 May 1969 - Episode 10
No Synopsis For This Episode Yet.

Episode 11
06 May 1969 - Episode 11
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Episode 12
09 May 1969 - Episode 12
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Episode 13
13 May 1969 - Episode 13
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Episode 14
16 May 1969 - Episode 14
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Episode 15
20 May 1969 - Episode 15
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Episode 16
23 May 1969 - Episode 16
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Episode 17
27 May 1969 - Episode 17
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Episode 18
30 May 1969 - Episode 18
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Episode 19
06 June 1969 - Episode 19
No Synopsis For This Episode Yet.

Episode 20
05 June 1969 - Episode 20
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Episode 21
10 June 1969 - Episode 21
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Episode 22
12 June 1969 - Episode 22
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Episode 23
17 June 1969 - Episode 23
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Episode 24
19 June 1969 - Episode 24
No Synopsis For This Episode Yet.

Episode 25
24 June 1969 - Episode 25
The search for Dickie Everitt continues. Mr. Pack offers Mr. Thorn a bungalow.

Episode 26
26 June 1969 - Episode 26
Dickie Everitt explains his disappearance and Delilah and Betsy have to face facts.

Episode 27
01 July 1969 - Episode 27
No Synopsis For This Episode Yet.

Episode 28
03 July 1969 - Episode 28
No Synopsis For This Episode Yet.

Episode 29
08 July 1969 - Episode 29
Mr. Pack gives Ivor Davies a warning. Jo Mercer has a surprise visitor out of her past.

Episode 30
10 July 1969 - Episode 30
Harry Everitt is taken ill. Mr. Morris comes home from the sea.

Episode 31
15 July 1969 - Episode 31
The Meeks have a flood in the basement - Jo and Phil meet Fiona's needs.

Episode 32
24 July 1969 - E
The Mercers receive and unexpected present. Harry finds himself in trouble. Ivor Davies has a long talk with Alice.

Episode 33
29 July 1969 - Episode 33
With the death of Hugh, Fiona Morris has to adjust to a new life. Jo Mercer meets Jill Bates again.

Episode 34
31 July 1969 - Episode 34
Harry Everitt gets himself a new job, and Fiona attends Hugh's funeral.

Episode 35
05 August 1969 - Episode 35
Fiona Morris meets Hugh's mother and learns a little more about Hugh Morris. Betsy and Delilah receive a visit from a detective.

Episode 36
07 August 1969 - Episode 36
Mr. Pack puts a stop to the Meek's plans and Phil Mercer comes face to face with Councillor Bates.

Episode 37
12 August 1969 - Episode 37
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett pay a surprise visit to Jo and Phil to tell them about a new business venture they are considering. Mr. and Mrs.Thorn return from their holiday.

Episode 38
14 August 1969 - Episode 38
Harry Everitt makes a big decision. Del and Betsy receive a warning from their bank manager.

Episode 39
19 August 1969 - Episode 39
Mr. Pack comes to see Fiona on behalf of the owners and a storm breaks over Castle Haven.

Episode 40
21 August 1969 - Episode 40
The Waters visit the Vicar, Pack makes a date, and Lorna Everitt gives in.

Episode 41
21 August 1969 - Episode 41
Fiona Morris has dinner with Edward Peck and Betsy Hilldrup keeps a secret rendezvous.

Episode 42
28 August 1969 - Episode 42
Fiona learns some startling news, and Sylvia suffers another setback.

Episode 43
02 September 1968 - Episode 43
Ivor Davies finds himself in debt. Vlasta Pospichal comes home again.

Episode 44
04 September 1969 - Episode 44
Jo and Phil both learn a little more about Ivor and Alice Davies. Vlasta receives a visitor from the past.

Episode 45
09 September 1969 - Episode 45
Anton Pastek causes friction between Josip and Vlasta. Lily Makepeace tries to stop the Davies' divorce.

Episode 46
11 September 1969 - Episode 46
Everitt has a surprise for Mr. Pack. Josip receives some bad news.

Episode 47
16 September 1969 - Episode 47
Alice Davies is under pressure not to go through with the divorce. Arthur Thorn has an embarrassing moment.

Episode 48
18 September 1969 - Episode 48
The Davies' forthcoming divorce proceedings cause alarm and despondency. Jo gets a painful shock.

Episode 49
23 September 1969 - Episode 49
Arthur and Meg Thorn come to a satisfactory arrangement with Mr. Pack; Harry Everitt increases his assets.

Episode 50
25 September 1969 - Episode 50
Ivor is thrown on the defensive; Jo's father brings disappointment to Josip, but welcome relief to Betsy and Delilah.

Episode 51
30 September 1969 - Episode 51
Harry Everitt refuses an offer, and Meg Thorn wins a battle. Phil Mercer hears some scandalous gossip.

Episode 52
02 October 1969 - Episode 52
Harry stands on his dignity and Fiona makes a confession. Phil finds it easier to give advice than take some.

Episode 53
07 October 1969 - Episode 53
The Mercers' plans horrify Mrs. Bennet; Mr. Pack helps Tom Meek with his plans, and Dickie Everitt has long-term plans for the future. Arthur Thorn causes Meg a great disappointment.

Episode 54
09 October 1969 - Episode 54
Meg Thorn comes to an independent decision.

Episode 55
14 October 1969 - Episode 55
Phil Mercer gets to the bottom of Dickie Everitt's trouble; Alice Davies is offered a way out of her troubles. Meg and Arthur Thorn prepare to welcome their son.

Episode 56
16 October 1969 - Episode 56
David Bates and Edward Pack plan to make a killing and Ivor Davies revives some dying embers.

Episode 57
21 October 1969 - Episode 57
The Davieses give Eric and Mabel Waters a shock. Jo Mercer has a small success.

Episode 58
28 October 1969 - Episode 58
Jo Mercer suffers a setback, and Arthur and Meg Thorn get more than they bargained for.

Episode 59
28 October 1969 - Episode 59
Darlene gives rise to considerable speculation, and the Meeks get a new tenant.

Episode 60
30 October 1969 - Episode 60
Councillor Bates rebukes Mr. Pack. Tom Meek and Harry Everitt strike a bargain. Jimmy Thorn and Darlene make a big impresion in the ""Gate"".

Episode 61
04 November 1969 - Episode 61
Jimmy Thorn makes a cash offer and Harry Everitt refuses one. The Pospichals suffer a setback.

Episode 62
06 November 1969 - Episode 62
Phil Mercer makes an apology, Mr. Pack makes another offer, and Harry Everitt makes a sale.

Episode 63
11 November 1969 - Episode 63
Phil Mercer makes an apology, Mr. Pack makes another offer, and Harry Everitt makes a sale.

Episode 64
13 November 1969 - Episode 64
Jimmy Thorn suffers a temporary loss. Harry Everitt becomes a hospital case. Vanessa Bardell calls on David Bates for help.

Episode 65
18 November 1969 - Episode 65
Vanessa Bardell appeals to David Bates for help. Jimmy Thorn evades questions about his money. Lorna Everitt anxiously awaits the outcome of Harry's operation

Episode 66
20 November 1969 - Episode 66
Darlene survives an accident. Alice Davies' worst fears are confirmed. Mr. Pack hears that Tobias.

Episode 67
25 November 1969 - Episode 67
Jimmy Thorn devises a counter-plot. Phil Mercer takes a moral stand. Ivor Davies gets a shock.

Episode 68
27 November 1969 - Episode 68
Ivor Davies enlists Fiona Morris' help. Tobias Angell and Jimmy Thorn win a battle. Josip Pospichal must make a decision.

Episode 69
02 December 1969 - Episode 69
Betsy and Delilah Hilldrup consider their future. David Bates has some unwelcome visitors. The Pospichals make a tactical decision.

Episode 70
04 December 1969 - Episode 70
The Pospichals try gentle persuasion. Betsy Hilldrup makes an independent decision. Ivor Davies appeals to Alice.

Episode 71
09 December 1969 - Episode 71
Councillor Bates shows interest in the ""Gate"".

Episode 72
11 December 1969 - Episode 72
Harry Everitt discovers the truth about Lorna. Mrs. Bennet gives a lecture. Ivor Davies seeks advice from Fiona Morris.

Episode 73
16 December 1969 - Episode 73
Eric Waters threatens to tell Councillor Bates the truth about Alice. Jimmy Thorn takes advice from Tobias Angell. Vlasta Pospichal wins Charlie.

Episode 74
18 December 1969 - Episode 74
Harry Everitt arranges a new job for Sylvia. Jo Mercer finds a new interest. Josip Pospichal makes an important decision. Darlene accepts a proposal.

Episode 75
23 December 1969 - Episode 75
Jo Mercer decides to offer Phil a choice of Christmas dinner. Tobias Angell makes a confession. Sarah Meek and Lorna Everitt put their heads together.

Episode 76
24 December 1969 - Episode 76
Meg Thorn looks forward to going to Australia. Sylvia Everitt walks out of her job. Sarah Meek makes a sale. The Pospichals make a crucial decision.

Episode 77
30 December 1969 - Episode 77
Ivor Davies appeals to Fiona Morris for help. Jimmy Thorn hears from a friend. Sylvia Everitt and Tony Becket unite against the older generation.

Episode 78
01 January 1970 - Episode 78
Tom Meek suspects he has been got at. Counc. Bates sees Alice Davies in a new light. The Davieses relive the past. Matthew Bennet shows his hand.

Episode 79
06 January 1970 - Episode 79
Meg Thorn suffers a setback. Alice Davies gets good advice and Mr. Bennet takes the initiative.

Episode 80
08 January 1970 - Episode 80
Tobias Angell refuses to co-operate. David Bates gets an unexpected call. Fiona Morris reaches a crisis.

Episode 81
13 January 1970 - Episode 81
Fiona Morris becomes a patient. Harry Everitt tries his hand at education. Tobias Angell meets a very old friend.

Episode 82
15 January 1970 - Episode 82
Sylvia Everitt gets an unexpected birthday present. Harry Everitt and Counc. Bates arrange a meeting. The Davieses look forward to the future.

Episode 83
20 January 1970 - Episode 83
Harry Everitt takes exception to Phil Mercer's teaching methods. Sylvia Everitt applies to Sid Buller for a job. The Mercers reach a crisis.

Episode 84
22 January 1970 - Episode 84
Phil Mercer is lectured by Wiggy and by Mr. Bennet. Tom Meek and Harry Everitt finally come to terms. The Marina meeting reaches an impasse.

Episode 85
27 January 1970 - Episode 85
Darlene contracts a mysterious illness. Jo Mercer visits two old age pensioners. Emily reveals a secret.

Episode 86
29 January 1970 - Episode 86
Meg and Arthur Thorn become increasingly worried about Jimmy. Alfred and Bertie find another ""soft touch"". Betsy decides upon her terms for selling ""The Gate"".

Episode 87
03 February 1970 - Episode 87
Jimmy Thorn's past catches up with him. Mr. Pack brings Counc. Bates good news. Meg Thorn puts her foot in it.

Episode 88
05 February 1970 - Episode 88
Counc. Bates acknowledges Emily Fry's help. Phil Mercer meets Georgie Kelly. Harry Everitt finds it is necessary to read a contract.

Episode 89
10 February 1970 - Episode 89
Mrs. Bennet expresses her point of view. Jimmy Thorn is reconciled to his fate. Mr. Pack makes a proposal.

Episode 90
12 February 1970 - Episode 90
Vanessa Bardell borrows a limousine. Arthur Thorn takes an active hand. Counc. Bates is optimistic about the future.

Episode 91
17 February 1970 - Episode 91
Tom Meek and Harry Everitt come to another agreement. Georgie Kelly offers Jimmy Thorn employment. Counc. Bates hears that the police are interested in his car.

Episode 92
19 February 1970 - Episode 92
Jimmy Thorn finds out more about his bet. Lorna Everitt gives an ultimatum. Counc. Bates changes his mind.

Episode 93
24 February 1970 - Episode 93
Tom Meek applies to Harry Everitt for a job. Counc. Bates takes steps to save his reputation. Delilah Hilldrup makes plans to sell the ""Gate"".

Episode 94
26 February 2002 - Episode 94
Charlie Higgs foresees a rich future for Delilah and Betsy Hilldrup. Mr. Bennet gives Counc. Bates a stern warning. Phil Mercer recovers his losses.

Episode 95
03 March 1970 - Episode 95
Harry Everitt meets an old sparring partner again, and Tom Meek loses his partner again. Counc. Bates and Vanessa Bardell both receive summonses.

Episode 96
12 March 1970 - Episode 96
Jimmy Thorn considers his assets. Mr. Pack makes a literary comparison. Councillor Bates betrays his staunchest ally.

Episode 97
17 March 1970 - Episode 97
Tom Meek sees an opening into the Marina. Mr. Pack drops a bombshell. Phil Mercer meets his father-in-law half-way.

Episode 98
19 March 1970 - Episode 98
Tom Meek makes a substantial investment. Jimmy Thorn proposes a quick solution to his difficulties. Vanessa Bardell underestimates David Bates.

Episode 99
24 March 1970 - Episode 99
The Meeks offer their services as housekeepers. Harry Everitt plans his new home. Charlie Higgs is fired.

Episode 100
26 March 1970 - Episode 100
The tenants begin to move out of Pope's Avenue. The Mercers come to a decision about their marriage. The Castle Haven registrar has a busy day. Weddings and marriages in last episode.
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Department | Role | Name |