Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 4
Networks: MBC
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Aug 14, 2021
Recent Air Date: Sep 4, 2021
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Korean
Age Rating: 15
Website: Link
Production Companies: Supermoon Pictures , Big Ocean ENM
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Where to watch Check Out the Event Season 1
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Cheerful and lovable Song Yi, who is frank about her feelings, believed in her mother’s words that the plants never betray you, unlike people, and became a botanical garden curator. However, as her boyfriend Do Kyum who was her everything dumps her, she couldn't live proudly anymore and becomes lethargic. Do Kyum who is feisty and self-respecting is a vocalist of an indie music band. As his crew was getting reputation, he suddenly announces its disband and asks Song Yi for a breakup. When Song Yi continuously tries to win Do Kyum’s heart back but keeps failing, she wins a ticket to Jeju Island through a competitive rate 500:1 and decides to take Do Kyum with her. Will this trip make any difference between the two?
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Writer |
Kim Tae-Joo
Directing | Director |
Kim Ji-hoon
Lee Han-jun
Department | Role | Name |