
TMDB Rating 4.9

Series Details

Seasons: 1

Total Episodes: 10

Creators: Steven Moffat

Networks: NBC

Status: Ended

First Air Date: Sep 25, 2003

Recent Air Date: Oct 23, 2003

Run Time: m

In Production: No

Original Language: English

Age Rating: NR

Website: Link

Production Companies: Hartswood Films




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The mating ritual can get messy. Let's see if we have this straight... Steve's with Jane but he's suddenly hot for Susan who met Steve through Jeff whom Susan used to go out with though she's just dumped Patrick despite the great sex so Patrick's asked Sally out which bugs Susan since Sally is her best friend... Based on the outrageous British hit series of the same name, Coupling concerns love and lust among six thirty- somethings who are either involved, formerly involved or looking to become intimately involved -- often with each other. The result, not surprisingly, is a very involving comedy filled with eye-popping situations and equally jaw-dropping one-liners.

Main Cast

Colin Ferguson

Colin Ferguson

Patrick Maitland

Age : N/A | Popularity : 53%

Jay Harrington

Jay Harrington

Steve Taylor

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Christopher Moynihan

Christopher Moynihan

Jeff Clancy

Age : N/A | Popularity : 42%

Lindsay Price

Lindsay Price

Jane Honda

Age : 48 | Popularity : 44%

Rena Sofer

Rena Sofer

Susan Freeman

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Sonya Walger

Sonya Walger

Sally Harper

Age : N/A | Popularity : 86%



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