
TMDB Rating 6

Series Details

Seasons: 1

Total Episodes: 47


Networks: YouTube

Status: Returning Series

First Air Date: Jan 3, 2013

Recent Air Date: Feb 6, 2014

Run Time: m

In Production: Yes

Original Language: English

Age Rating: NR

Website: Link

Production Companies: Complexly



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In 48 episodes, John Green will teach you the history of the United States of America! This course is based off of the 2013 AP US History curriculum. By the end of the course, you will be able to: * Identify the context and causes of historical developments throughout recorded US history * Explain the similarities and differences between historical developments * Understand the complexity of the American and national identity and values * Describe how social structures, politics, power, and culture influence each other and historical developments * Contextualize and complicate the common narratives of US history that explain the present

Main Cast

John Green

John Green

Self - Host

Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%



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