
TMDB Rating 5

Series Details

Seasons: 1

Total Episodes: 26

Creators: Blake Edwards

Networks: NBC

Status: Ended

First Air Date: Oct 3, 1960

Recent Air Date: Apr 10, 1961

Run Time: m

In Production: No

Original Language: English

Age Rating: NR

Website: Link

Production Companies: Satyr Productions , Four Stars Productions




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Dante is a short-lived NBC adventure/drama television series starring Howard Duff as Willie Dante, a former gambler who operates Dante's Inferno, a San Francisco, California, nightclub. Alan Mowbray co-starred as Stewart Styles, the Maitre d'; Tom D'Andrea as Biff, Dante's "man Friday", and Mort Mills as police Lieutenant Bob Malone. Dante claims to have put his past behind him but has retained old associates Stewart and Biff. While his club is legitimate, neither the police nor the mob believe that he is truly finished with the criminal underworld. Dante's old associates in crime keep appearing at the club in efforts to lure him back to the underworld. Dick Powell had previously played Dante in eight episodes of his Four Star Playhouse, initially written by Blake Edwards, who had previously created the radio drama Richard Diamond, Private Detective for Powell. There, Willie operates an illegal gambling operation in the back room of the "Inferno", which police soon shut down. The only regular from the Four Star Playhouse version to be cast in the series as well was Mowbray, who had first played a millionaire named Jackson who had gambled away his fortune and then worked as one of Dante's waiters. These episodes were subsequently rebroadcast under the collective title The Best in Mystery.

Main Cast

Howard Duff

Howard Duff

Willie Dante

Age : N/A | Popularity : 59%

Alan Mowbray

Alan Mowbray

Stewart Styles

Age : N/A | Popularity : 60%

Mort Mills

Mort Mills

Lt. Robert Malone

Age : 74 | Popularity : 56%

Tom D'Andrea

Tom D'Andrea


Age : N/A | Popularity : 17%



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