Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 13
Networks: Das Erste
Status: Returning Series
First Air Date: Sep 16, 2016
Recent Air Date: Sep 16, 2022
Run Time: m
In Production: Yes
Original Language: German
Age Rating: 0
Website: Link
Production Companies: ARD Degeto , UFA Fiction
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Nurse Vera (Rebecca Immanuel) seeks a new professional beginning. Together with her 16 year old son Paul (Tom Böttcher) and 8 year old daughter Mia (Mascha Schrader), the single mother moves from Berlin into the Eifel. But already on her first day of work at the office of her new boss Dr. Chris Wegner (Simon Schwarz) sitting in a wheelchair, she has to find out how hard the business is in the country due to the lack of enough general practitioners available. A long list of home visits are awaiting Vera, who glances with professional experience and empathy for her patients, but time pressure doesn't help in serving her patients as desired.