Series Details
Seasons: 2
Total Episodes: 39
Networks: SAT.1
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Oct 1, 1999
Recent Air Date: Dec 14, 2001
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: German
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies:
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Die Rote Meile is a German television drama that aired on Sat.1 and follows the lives of strippers, prostitutes and their pimps in the district of St. Pauli in Hamburg. The first season premiered on 1 October 1999 and consisted 26 episodes. The show was a rival to the RTL drama Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast; both airing in the same time-slot - Monday nights at 9:15 pm. A second season was ordered by the network in the spring of 2000 and started airing on Thursday nights at 8:15 pm on 14 December 2000. The show was canceled in the beginning of 2001, airing its last episode on 8 March 2001.