Series Details
Seasons: 26
Total Episodes: 694
Creators: Verity Lambert , Sydney Newman , C. E. Webber , Donald Wilson
Networks: BBC One , BBC Television
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Nov 23, 1963
Recent Air Date: Dec 6, 1989
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: TV-PG
Website: Link
Production Companies: BBC
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This season was a season of major changes for Doctor Who, including some that have influenced the series and franchise ever since. Most notably, season 4 saw William Hartnell's First Doctor hand off the baton to Patrick Troughton's Second Doctor in the very first regeneration. When Hartnell announced his plans to leave the series, the show's writers came up with the idea of having the Doctor change his appearance and personality. In 1966, while it was not uncommon for actors to change in ongoing TV and film roles, this was possibly the first time a change in appearance was written into the very nature of the character.
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Producer |
Innes Lloyd
Art | Main Title Designer |
Bernard Lodge
Sound | Theme Song Performance |
Delia Derbyshire
Main Title Theme Composer |
Ron Grainer
Department | Role | Name |