Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 3
Creators: Dan Harmon
Status: Canceled
First Air Date: Oct 29, 2006
Recent Air Date: Feb 28, 2007
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies:
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Since the 2005 cancellations of Laserfart and MESI Dan Harmon has lingered in the background of Channel 101, sneaking into various hit shows while working on "real" television for VH-1. Before 2006 was complete, Harmon delivered this poignant gem to October audiences and strolled back into prime time. Exposure tells the story of Dylan Carter, a struggling creative drawn to the power of Channel 101, who must overcome his own limitations and cope with rejection. On the show's similarities to Channel 101: The Musical, Harmon writes: "It's Last Temptation of Christ to Makiaris' Jesus Christ: Superstar."