
Series Details
Seasons: 7
Total Episodes: 156
Networks: NBC
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Jun 11, 2001
Recent Air Date: Jul 16, 2012
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: TV-PG
Website: Link
Production Companies: Endemol USA , Endemol Entertainment , Pulse Creative
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Episode 1
22 September 2003 - $1 Million Dollar Edition
This extended episode featured twelve contestants competing for a prize of $1,000,000. Stunt #1 (Heli monkey bars) In a head-to-head race, contestants would have to cross monkey bars hanging under a helicopter. They would have to cross the bars, release a flag, cross back to the starting point, release a second flag, and jump into the water. The winner of each race would advance to the next round, the loser would be eliminated. Stunt #2-Women (Leech coffin) The women would have lie in a Plexiglas coffin full of leeches. As the coffin filled with water, they would have to use a handle to pump the water out. The two women to stay in the coffin the longest would advance to the next round. The other woman would be eliminated. Stunt #2-Men (Ham & eggs Fear Factor style) The men would have to bob in for pig tongues in a tank of raw ostrich egg. After retrieving 5 pig tongues, they would have to eat one of the tongues and then eat 5 leeches. The two men to complete this stunt the

Episode 2
29 September 2003 - Return to Las Vegas (1)
This two-part Las Vegas episode featured six contestants competing in six stunts. The winner would have to bet half their winnings on a hand of blackjack. 1st Stunt (Pole crawl) Contestants had to ""crawl"" on a rounded pole from the roof of the Mandalay Bay hotel, pulling 6 flags off as they went, and hanging the final flag on a smaller pole two feet out. The two men and the two women to complete this stunt the fastest advanced to the next round. The others were eliminated. 2nd Stunt (Piranha tank) Contestants had to swim in a tank with over 500 piranhas and bob for seven pig kidneys. The three contestants to complete this stunt the fastest advanced to the next round. The slowest person was eliminated. 3rd Stunt (Eat African Cave-dwelling Spiders) No one was eliminated in this stunt, instead contestants were playing for for a prize. Contestants had to eat up to six African cave-dwelling spiders. Each spider eaten gave the contestant two chips (for a maximum of twelve chips).

Episode 3
06 October 2003 - Return to Las Vegas (2)
This two-part Las Vegas episode featured six contestants competing in six stunts. The winner would have to bet half their winnings on a hand of blackjack. Stunt #3 (continued) In the previous episode, the remaining three contestants had to eat African cave-dwelling spiders to earn up to 12 roulette chips. After everyone had placed their chips on the roulette table, Joe spun the roulette wheel to see who would win a new 2004 Mazda RX-8 sports car. The winner was revealed at the beginning of this episode Stunt #4 (Slippery cab jump) Contestants would have to crawl around on a taxi cab suspended over 100 feet in the air. They would have to remove two flags from the top, one from the hood, and one from the trunk. After removing the 4 flags, they would have to jump a gap to a second suspended taxi cab. They would then have to remove a flag from the hood and two flags from the top of that cab, collect a key from the trunk, climb into the window, insert the key into the ignition, an

Episode 4
13 October 2003 - Heli Crawl and Flag Grab; Maggoty Madness; Head on Pipe Ramp
Stunt #1: Heli Crawl and Flag Grab Contestants would have to crawl down the underside of helicopter skit, cross a rope between the skits, crawl down the other skit, and drop into the water below. While doing this, they would have to release 2 flags from the first skit, 1 flag from the rope, and 3 flags from the second skit. The two men and the two women to get the most flags the fastest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Maggoty Madness Contestants would have to bob in a tank of cod liver oil for cow hooves, and then drop the hooves in a box of maggots. For each hoof they transferred, they would get a mouthful of maggots and spit them onto a scale. The three contestants to transfer the most weight in maggots in 2 minutes would advance to the finals. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Head on Pipe Ramp Contestants would have to race a car head-on toward another car with a pipe ramp attached to it. They would have to hit the ram

Episode 5
20 October 2003 - Heli Water Drag; Cow Eye Juice; Truck to Truck Transfer
Stunt #1: Heli Water Drag Contestants would have to hold on to a tow rope as a helicopter drug them around a lake. As time went on, the helicopter would go faster, reaching a maximum speed of 40 miles per hour. The two men and the two women to hang on the longest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Cow Eye Juice Contestants would have to use their mouths to pick up cow eyeballs and pop them into a glass. Once the glass was filled to a line, they would have to drink the cow eye juice. The three contestants to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the finals. The slowest person would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Truck to Truck Transfer As two giant dump trucks barreled down a dirt road side-by-side, contestants would have to leap back and forth between the two trucks, transferring up to 15 flags. As time went on, the trucks would get farther apart. The contestant to transfer the most flags the fastest before falling or running o

Episode 6
27 October 2003 - Halloween Episode
This was a special all-gross Halloween epsiode. Stunt #1 (Snake coffin) Contestants would be handcuffed by their wrists and ankles and lowered into a tank with hundreds of snakes. They would have to find which of the three keys in the tank unlocked their cuffs and pull a flag to stop the time. The two men and the two women to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Eat Stink Beetles) Contestants would use a wrist rocket to shoot exploding pellets at flaming goblets. The goblet they hit would determine whether they would have to eat 8, 16, or 24 stink beetles. They would be given 15 seconds per beetle. Everyone who ate their stink beetles within the time limit would advance to the finals. Stunt #3 (Bobbing for hearts) Contestants would have to bob for 10 pig hearts in a vat of cow eyeballs and slime. The contestant to retrieve all 10 hearts the fastest would win the $50,000 and be the Halloween Fear Factor C

Episode 7
03 November 2003 - All Female Episode #2
Stunt #1 (Inverted helicopter dunk) The ladies would be bound by their ankles and hung upside-down from a helicopter. The helicopter would dunk the ladies into the lake four times, and they would have to collect flags on each dunk. The four ladies to collect the most flags would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Fear Factor Conveyer Belt) The ladies would have to use their mouths to transfer disgusting food items from a conveyor belt to a scale. These items included night crawlers, red worms, super worms, blended cow spleen, blended cow snout, pig uterus, cow spinal cord, and cow brain. There would be 50 plates of gross items on the conveyor belt. The three ladies to transfer the most weight in disgusting items to the scale before all the plates dropped off the end of the conveyor belt would advance to the finals. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #3 (Hamster wheel) The ladies would have to run on an 8-inch wide hamster wheel while ho

Episode 8
04 November 2003 - Four Stunt Episode #2
Stunt #1 (Submerged bus) Contestants would have to swim into a submerged bus, rescue up to four crash test dummies, and place them in a raft outside the bus. The two men and the two women to retrieve the most dummies the fastest before quitting would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Cow parts & rotten milk) Contestants would have to use their faces to search a counter covered with dirty dishes for Madagascar hissing cockroaches. After using their mouths to retrieve five roaches and spit them into a box, they would have to drink a glass of lard & blended cow parts and a glass of rotten Fear Factor milk. The contestant to complete this stunt the fastest would win a seven day all-inclusive trip to Brazil where they would stay at Super Clubs' resort Breezes Costa Do Sauipe. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #3 (Cow brain search) As cow spinal fluid rained down on a counter covered with cow brains, contestants would have to use th

Episode 9
10 November 2003 - Water Sack; Beetle Roach & Worm Transfer; Spinning Ledge
Stunt #1: Water Sack Contestants would be handcuffed, zipped up in a clear body bag, and dropped in a tank of water. They would have to use the key attached their wrist to unlock one of the cuffs, unzip the bag, swim to the surface, and grab a flag. The four contestants to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Beetle Roach & Worm Transfer In a head-to-head race, contestants would be hung upside-down over a box of millipedes, Madagascar hissing cockroaches, and night crawlers. They would have 90 seconds to use their mouths to put the millipedes in a container on the right side of the box and the roaches in a container on the left side of the box. The contestant to sort the most bugs in each race would advance to the finals. The loser of each race would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Spinning Ledge Contestants would have to navigate a spinning cross-shaped wall high in the air. They would have of the release a fl

Episode 10
17 November 2003 - Truck to Helicopter; Table Clearing; Under the Semi
Stunt #1: Truck to Helicopter Contestants would start off on the back of a flatbed truck as it drove along a pier. As a helicopter flew by, contestants would have to grab a rope ladder hanging underneath and climb it, releasing 4 flags on the ladder. The two men and the two women to get into the helicopter the fastest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Table Clearing Contestants would be chained to stake in the ground. They would have to use their faces move disgusting items aside on three tables to reveal the combinations to the three locks. The first table had rotten fish parts, the second table had super worms, and the third table had blended cow tongue and pig feet. After getting their locks unlocked, they would have to retrieve a pig's foot with their mouth and drop it into a bucket. The three contestants to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the finals. The slowest person would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Under the Se

Episode 11
24 November 2003 - Family Fear Factor
This episode featured four parent-child pairs competing as teams. Stunt #1 (Raft to raft transfer) As a speedboat pulled three rafts behind it, the kids would be on the first raft and the parents would be on the back raft. The kids would have the jump from raft-to-raft and hand a flag to their parent. Once the parent had the flag, they would have to get to the front raft and plant the flag. The three teams to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round. The slowest team would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Lard tunnel) Family members would be on opposite sides of a tunnel filled with pig lard and pig parts. The kids would have to grab cow tongues and crawl to the middle to hand off the tongues to their parents. The parents would then have to take the tongues to a bucket at their end of the tunnel. The team to transfer 7 cow tongues the fastest would in a seven night trip for six to Breezes Curacao in the Caribbean. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stu

Episode 12
01 December 2003 - Boat to Boat; Worm Wine; Matrix Truck Straddle
Stunt #1: Boat to Boat As two ultra boats sped down a lake, contestants would have to leap back and forth between the boats and transfer flags from the second boat to the first boat. The two men and the two women to transfer all 6 flags the fastest would advance to the next round, the others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Worm Wine Contestants would have to use their bare feet to stomp on night crawlers in a large vat. When enough worm juice drained in to a glass at the bottom of the vat, they would have to drink the juice. The three contestants to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the finals. The slowest person would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Matrix Truck Straddle As two semi trucks drove down the road side by side at 40 miles per hour, contestants would have to walk between the two trucks using the one-and-a-half inch ledges on the sides of the trucks. They would have to transfer up to 12 flags from the side of one truck to the side of the other truck. The c

Episode 13
08 December 2003 - Cable Surfing; Gift Exchange; Lake O' Fire
This was a 2nd-annual Christmas-themed episode. Stunt #1: Cable Surfing Contestants would have to balance on a wet sled hanging between two cables over 100 feet in the air. As the sled raced down the zip line over a neighborhood lit with Christmas lights, contestants would have to grab candy canes hanging from the cables. The four contestants to grab the most candy canes would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Gift Exchange Contestants would participate in a gross gift exchange. The first contestant would pick a box from under the Christmas tree and reveal the contents. The second person would choose whether they wanted to steal that gift, or go get a new one. This would continue until everyone had a disgusting food item. These items included cod egg sack covered with ants, sausage casing stuffed with worms (night crawlers, super worms, and red worms), rotten squid covered with flies, and live dragonflies. All contestants to eat their disg

Episode 14
05 January 2004 - Fear Factor Twins #2
The episode featured four sets of twins competing as teams. Stunt #1 (Helicopter box jump) Both twins would be hanging from the skits of a helicopter over a lake. As the helicopter flew over an island of boxes, the first twin would let go and try to land on the boxes. The helicopter would then fly over a second island of boxes and the second twin would have to try and drop on that box island. They both would have to collect a flag from their box island, jump in the water, swim to a platform, and clip the flag to a flagpole. If they missed the boxes, they would have to swim in the opposite direction to a penalty buoy to get the flag. The time would stop when the second person clipped their flag. The three sets of twins to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round. The slowest team would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Save Your Twin in Bees) One twin would be chained by both arms and legs to two poles and covered with bees. The other twin would have to search t

Episode 15
12 January 2004 - Couples Fear Factor (1)
This episode was part 1 of 7 in a series featuring nine couples competing for various cash and prizes, and a grand prize of 1 Million Dollars. Stunt #1 (Dune buggy drag) Going three couples at a time, the men would be bound by their ankles and dragged behind dune buggies as they raced down the beach and across a finish line. As the men were dragged through the sand, they would be holding on to a rope and the women would be holding on to the other end. The couple to get the shortest distance before someone let go of the rope would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Bury Spouses Head in Worms) Going two couples at a time, one person would have their head inside a Plexiglas box with a narrow tube to breathe through. The other person would have to collect mouthfuls of worms and spit them into the box, burying their partner's head. The couple to complete this stunt the fastest would win a 22-day STA travel experience to Africa. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #3 (Kayak pull)

Episode 16
19 January 2004 - Couples Fear Factor (2)
This episode was part 2 of 7 in a series featuring nine couples competing for various cash and prizes, and a grand prize of 1 Million Dollars. Stunt #1 (Couples water platform) Both partners would be chained to a platform and submerged underwater. They would both have to grab a set of keys, find the correct key to unlock themselves, and swim to a buoy. The time would stop when the second person touched the buoy. The couple to complete this stunt the fastest would win two Jeep Wrangler Xs. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #2 (Sewer Transfer) One partner would be standing at a trough and using their mouth to retrieve cow hearts submerged in blended cow parts, pig parts, and roaches. They would have to drop the cow hearts down a chute where they would slide into a second trough where their teammate was. Their teammate would have to retrieve the hearts with their mouth and drop them into a bucket. As this stunt went on, the blended slop would be draining from the

Episode 17
19 January 2004 - Couples Fear Factor (3)
This episode was part 3 of 7 in a series featuring nine couples competing for various cash and prizes, and a grand prize of 1 Million Dollars. Stunt #1 (Spouse spin) Both partners would be hung by their ankles from opposite ends a spinning girder over a harbor. They would be holding on to opposite ends of a rope, supporting each other's weight. When one person let go, they would both go flying into the water. As time went on, the girder would spin faster. The couple to hang on the longest would get to draw from five Capital One credit cards ranging in value from $10,000 to $50,000. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #2 (Pie Eating Contest) Couples would have to use their faces to search for 4 coins hidden among 10 disgusting Fear Factor pies. The pies all had a bile-based crust, and different pies were duck tongue pie, maggot pie, pig stomach pie, and rotten fish pie. After retrieving the four hidden coins, couples would work together to slurp up a Fear Factor s

Episode 18
26 January 2004 - Couples Fear Factor (4)
This episode was part 4 of 7 in a series featuring nine couples competing for various cash and prizes, and a grand prize of 1 Million Dollars. Stunt #1 (Gross Dunk Tank) One person would be sitting above a dunk tank filled with nasty water containing cow intestines, spleens, brains, tongues, and skin. Their partner would have throw softballs at the dunk lever to drop them into the tank. Once in the tank, contestants would have to retrieve cow tails and give them to their partner. Their partner would then have to transfer the cow tails to a bucket using their mouth. The couple to transfer 5 cow tails the fastest would win an STA travel experience to Spain where they would participate in the Running of the Bulls. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #2 (Couples helicopter slalom) The men would be hanging by their ankles from a helicopter as it flew over a lake. They would be holding two rings attached to a chain that was around the women's ankles. As they flew over

Episode 19
02 February 2004 - Couples Fear Factor (5)
This episode was part 5 of 7 in a series featuring nine couples competing for various cash and prizes, and a grand prize of 1 Million Dollars. Stunt #1 (Helicopter cage) The women would be inside a metal cage beneath a helicopter with a rope hanging from the bottom the cage. The men would be riding on the back of a jet-ski and would have to grab the rope and climb it. When they got to the top, they would have to hand a set of 2 keys to the women, and then drop into the water. The women would then have to use the keys to unlock two locks, open the cage, and jump into the water. The couple to complete this stunt the fastest would win $10,000 and two Sony Cyber-Shot underwater digital cameras. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #2 (Dumpster Dive) The men would have to swim around in a dumpster full of garbage and water and look for 7 metal canisters. One of the canisters contained pig uterus and one contained cow stomach. They would have to hand the canisters to th

Episode 20
09 February 2004 - Couples Fear Factor (6)
This episode was part 6 of 7 in a series featuring nine couples competing for various cash and prizes, and a grand prize of 1 Million Dollars. Stunt #1 (Lean & grab) Couples would have to cross 6-inch balance beams over 200 feet in the air. The men would be on one balance beam holding a rope while their girlfriends would be across from them on another balance beam holding the other end of the rope. While their boyfriends supported them with the rope, the women would have to lean out and grab up to 6 flags hanging adjacent to the beam. The couple to get the most flags the fastest would win two new Mazda 3 five-doors. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #2 (Bobbing in Rats) The women would be lying in a box covered with rats and chicken feet. The men would have to retrieve 10 chicken feet with their mouths and spit them into a bucket. The couple to complete this stunt the fastest would win a high rollers weekend in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay hotel along with $5,00

Episode 21
16 February 2004 - Couples Fear Factor (7)
This was the final episode in a 7-part series featuring nine couples competing for various cash and prizes, and a grand prize of 1 Million Dollars. Stunt #1 (Blind driver) Couples would have to drive a car up a ramp and on to the bed of a moving flatbed semi. The driver of the car would be blindfolded, and their partner would be in the passenger seat giving directions. The couple that could get their car onto the truck bed the fastest would win an STA travel experience to Russia where they would fly in a Mig-21 jet. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #2 (Save Your Partner in Tarantulas) The women would be lying in a Plexiglas coffin covered with over 500 tarantulas and crickets. The men would have to suck up blended crickets from a bowl and spit them into a tube to make a key float to the top. Once they got the key, they would have unlock a hacksaw and saw through a metal bar to open the spider coffin. Once they got the coffin open, they would have to release a mark

Episode 22
17 February 2004 - Four Stunt Episode #3
Stunt #1 (Helicopter net crawl) Contestants would have to crawl around a cargo net on the underside of a helicopter and release flags. After releasing all 6 flags from the net, they would have to slide down a rope with no knots and release 3 more flags. The two men and the two women to release the most flags the fastest before dropping into the water would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Elevated platform leap) Contestants would have to leap back and forth between two Plexiglas platforms 5 feet apart and over 250 feet in the air. They would have 45 seconds to transfer flags from one platform to the other before the platforms dropped and sent them plunging downward on a bungee cord. The contestant to transfer the most flags before the drop would win a seven-day all-inclusive trip for two to the Grand Lido Resort in Jamaica. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #3 (Intestine Chew, Milk and Chug) Contestants would sit in a glass

Episode 23
23 February 2004 - Four Stunt Episode #4
The show brings another four stunt show, this time featuring a contestant who is trying to get the love of his life back from going on the show. Stunt #1 (Helicopter pole crawl) Contestants would have to shimmy out on a pole jutting from the front of a helicopter. They would have to release two flags, collect the third from the end, bring it back to the beginning, clip it, and drop into the water below. The two men and the two women to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Fear Factor fondue party) Contestants would have to bob in a pot of stinky cheese fondue for chunks of rotten cheese. After retrieving 5 chunks of cheese, they would have to eat 5 giant horse grasshoppers. The three contestants to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round. The slowest person would be eliminated. Stunt #3 (Eel Hang) Contestants would be hung upside down over a tank of moray eels. They would have to

Episode 24
01 March 2004 - All Female Episode #3
Stunt #1 (Water-tube escape) The ladies would be trapped inside a plastic box and lowered into the water. With an air pocket at the top, they would have to swim to the bottom of the box, turn two wheels to drop the bottom out of the box, escape, and swim to the surface. The four ladies to do this the fastest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Box of Reptiles) Going two a time, the ladies would be seated in a Plexiglas box of boas, pythons, and geckos. While in the box, they would have to use metal rods to transfer magnetic disks from slots in the bottom of the box to slots in the top of the box. They lady in each race to transfer 5 magnets first would advance to the finals. The loser of each race would be eliminated. Stunt #3 (Wind tunnel) The ladies would have to walk through a Plexiglas wind tunnel and collect flags as a fan blew wind and water through the tunnel at 100 miles per hour. As time went on, the tunnel would tilt steeper

Episode 25
08 March 2004 - Siblings Fear Factor
This episode featured four pairs of siblings competing as teams. Stunt #1 (Tumbler transfer) As two tumblers lined with holes rotated across from each other over the water, siblings would have to make their way to the center where the two tumblers met. One sibling would be handing the other sibling flags to post at the other end of their tumbler. As time went on, the tumblers would spin faster. The three teams to transfer the most flags the fastest before falling into the water would advance to the next round. The team with the worst score would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Grab and Grind) One sibling would be collecting beetles, worms, crickets, scorpions, and millipedes with their mouth and spitting them into a meat grinder. They would have to turn a crank to grind the bugs into slop. Their partner would be underneath the grinder catching the slop then their mouth and spitting it on to a scale. The team to transfer the most weight in 3 minutes would win a six-night trip for fo

Episode 26
15 March 2004 - Twirling Misery; Eat Live Snails; Car Jump out of Back of Semi
Stunt #1: Twirling Misery Contestants would be inside a Plexiglas box over 100 feet in the air. They would have up to two minutes to wedge themselves into the box before the bottom dropped out. Once the bottom dropped out, the box would spin around and cold water would rain from the top. The two men and the two women who could stay wedged inside the box the longest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Eat Live Snails Contestants would have to eat 12 live snails. The man and the woman who could eat their snails the fastest would advance to the final round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Car Jump out of Back of Semi Contestants would be seated in a car inside the back of a moving semi truck. When the truck rolled over a starting line, a green light would flash. When this happened, they would have to find which of three keys started the car, and crash it though the back door of the trailer to the pavement below. The contestan

Episode 27
22 March 2004 - Extreme Building Plunge; Bug Windshield; Rotating Beam to Platform
Stunt #1: Extreme Building Plunge Contestants would be harnessed and dropped down the face of a 65-story building. As they plunged toward the ground, contestants would have to grab flags sticking out from the side of the building. The two men and the two women to collect the most flags would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Bug Windshield Contestants would have to jump up onto a junkyard car's hood and use their mouths to remove globs of red worms, super worms, crickets, grasshoppers, and stink beetles splattered on the windshield. They would then have to run over to a scale and spit the bugs on to the scale. The three contestants to transfer the most weight in bugs in two minutes would advance to the final round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Rotating Beam to Platform Contestants would start out over a harbor on a rotating balance beam surrounded by a square frame with a platform on each side. There were two flags on the each

Episode 28
05 April 2004 - Tunnel Flag Snag; Potato Bug Bazooka; Tractor Car Roll
Stunt #1: Tunnel Flag Snag While balancing on the back of a tanker truck as it drove through a traffic tunnel and ran over speed bumps, contestants would have to grab flags hanging from the ceiling. The two men and the two women to collect the most flags would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Potato Bug Bazooka Contestants would use a bazooka to fire a potato at a target with numbers ranging from 1 to 3. The number they hit would represent the number of live potato bugs they would have to eat. Everyone who ate all their potato bugs would advance to the final round. Stunt #3: Tractor Car Roll Contestants would be seated in a car on the edge of a steep hill. As four large bulldozers advanced toward the car, they would have to find which of 6 keys started the car and drive it across a finish line. The contestant to cross the finish line the fastest, or get the furthest before a bulldozer sent their car flipping down the hill would win the $5

Episode 29
12 April 2004 - Miss USA Edition #2
This episode featured six Miss USA 2004 contestants competing for $50,000. The winner would keep half her money and donate the other half to the charity of her choice. Stunt #1 (Tilting platform) The ladies would start out on a Plexiglas platform over a harbor. As the platform tilted steeper and steeper, they would have to transfer flags from the lower end to the higher end. The four ladies to transfer the most flags the fastest before falling into the water would advance to the next round. The other two would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Sea cucumbers) The ladies would have to play a round of miniature golf. The number of putts they took to sink the golf ball would determine which of four sizes of sea cucumber they would have to eat. If they were able to get a hole-in-one, they would not have to eat anything. Everyone who finished their sea cucumber in the 20-minute time limit would advance to the final round. Stunt #3 (Helicopter hang) The ladies would be riding on the back

Episode 30
19 April 2004 - Team Transfer; Hagfish Transfer; Cable Stand
This episode featured five pairs competing as teams. This episode also had an unusual twist: Contestants were not allowed to sleep for the 48-hour duration of the competition. If anyone fell asleep, their team would be eliminated. Stunt #1: Team Transfer The men would be hung by their ankles from a trolley line that would take them back and forth between two platforms on the roofs of buildings over 100 feet in the air. The women would have to transfer flags from one platform to other by clipping the flags on to their belt loops and grabbing the men's arms to ride back and forth between platforms. The four teams to transfer the most flags in 5 minutes would advance to the next round. The team with the least amount of flags would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Hagfish Transfer The women would be sitting in the top of a double-decker Plexiglas box and the men would be in the bottom. The women would be covered in slimy hagfish which would also fall through to the bottom where the men w

Episode 31
26 April 2004 - Bound in Chains; Get the Gator; Heli Rope Transfer
The was a special female models episode. Stunt #1: Bound in Chains The ladies would be chained into a weighted vest and dropped underwater. They would have to undo three sets of clasps to get out of the vest and swim to the surface. The four ladies to break the surface the fastest would advance to the next round. The other two would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Get the Gator The ladies would have to make their way through an obstacle course in a swamp to find three keys. There would be a key on each obstacle. They would have to make their way over 6 buoys, jump over a boat, climb a tree, and drop back into the water. They would then have to swim to the shore and find out which of the three keys unlocked a tunnel. After unlocking the tunnel, they would have to crawl inside and pull an 8-foot long, 400 pound alligator out by its tail. The three ladies to complete this stunt the fastest would advance the final round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Heli Rope Transfer

Episode 32
03 May 2004 - Dual Heli Beam Walk; Fly Shake; Hop the Train
This special Second Chance episode featured six past Fear Factor contestants who had gone home losers. Stunt #1: Dual Heli Beam Walk Contestants would have to go back and forth across a beam hanging between two helicopters. They would have to transfer up to 6 flags from one side to the other before falling into the water below. The two men and the two women to transfer the most flags the fastest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Fly Shake Contestants would have to suck blended maggots from a bowl and spit them down a large straw into a glass filled with flies. After filling the glass, they would have to drink the blended maggots and flies. The three contestants to do this fastest would advance to the next round. The slowest contestant would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Hop the Train Contestants would have to race a car toward a railroad crossing, hit a pipe ramp, and flip the car over a moving train. The contestant to jump the car the g

Episode 33
10 May 2004 - Underwater Tumbler; Bug Body Bag; Dual Heli Wall
This was an all-female episode. Stunt #1: Underwater Tumbler The ladies would be locked inside a tumbler which would be lowered underwater. They would have to swim to the other end of the tumbler, unlatch 10 latches, slide a door open, and swim to a buoy. The four ladies to reach the buoy the fastest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Bug Body Bag The ladies would be chained up in a body bag full of crickets, red worms, super worms, stink beetles, and Madagascar hissing cockroaches. They would be shut inside a pitch black morgue drawer. They would have to find out which of three keys unlocked the padlock to their chains, unzip the bag, and push themselves out of the drawer. The three ladies to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the finals. The slowest contestant would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Dual Heli Wall The ladies would be lifted off a dock and would have the crawl across a horizontal rope hanging underneath a helic

Episode 34
17 May 2004 - Family Beam Walk; Family of Roaches; Kid-A-Pult
This season finale episode featured four parent/child pairs competing at teams. Stunt #1: Family Beam Walk Both family members would have to walk across a balance beam over 100 feet high. There would be five yellow flags and five orange flags hanging from ropes. The parent would have to go first and release the yellow flags, and then the child would have to go and release the orange flags. The three teams with the highest flag totals in the fastest time would advance to the next round. The slowest team would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Family of Roaches The children would be locked in a box of Madagascar hissing cockroaches. Their parents would have to use their mouths to transfer roaches from the box to a counter-balance scale to lift up a door and release set of three keys. The parent would have to give the keys to their child and the child would have to find the correct key to unlock the box and escape. The team to complete this stunt the fastest would win a 2004 Mazda 6 Spo
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Producer |
John de Mol
Department | Role | Name |