Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 28
Networks: Royal Thai Army Radio and Television Channel 5
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Jan 26, 2009
Recent Air Date: Feb 21, 2010
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: PG
Website: Link
Production Companies: Exact Scenario
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Nok Sinjai takes on the role of Phanrawee, a woman trying to maintain her station in life. She is married to the wealthy Rangsee Soriyathit played by Pisan Akarasene (Aom’s biological father in real life and in this lakorn). Rangsee and Phanrawee have no biological children together, they do have one adopted son Passakorn (Nat Tephassadin). Rangsee does have one biological child with another woman, Rangrong played by Aom Piyada. Rangsee did not know of her existence until she was grown. Rangrong is a feisty young woman out for revenge on Phanrawee the woman who harmed her mother and to claim what’s hers, which is Rangsee’s inheritance.