Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 11
Networks: Channel 3
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Jul 24, 2013
Recent Air Date: Aug 3, 2013
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Thai
Age Rating: PG
Website: Link
Production Companies: D One TV
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Saila is the oldest of three children. Her father died protecting the country and her mother’s life was taken by a vicious car accident. Thus she had to drop out of college to support her siblings; Orn, Pong and Da. Saila teaches Tae Kwon Do for her second job. Unbeknownst to her, she picked an outdoors area to train her students which was the same area that a certain Police Captain Teratorn was fighting crime. Saila gets held hostage. With her special gift that she never knew she had, she was able to get away leaving the entire police force in shock. The Captain became mighty impressed with her abilities and is totally mesmerized by her beauty. And the story continues on…