Series Details
Seasons: 3
Total Episodes: 19
Creators: Gabriel Iglesias
Networks: Comedy Central
Status: Canceled
First Air Date: Oct 6, 2011
Recent Air Date: Nov 8, 2014
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: TV-14
Website: Link
Production Companies: Triage Entertainment , Levity Entertainment Group
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Where to watch Gabriel Iglesias Presents Stand-Up Revolution
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It's a comedy revolution -- unite in uproarious laughter with the "fluffy" comic in the Hawaiian shirt! Filmed at the Stand Up Live club in Phoenix, this series features Gabriel Iglesias and a bunch of his funny comedian friends performing routines, plus music from Grammy Award winners Ozomatli, the house band. Iglesias begins each episode with a set of all-new material before introducing a guest comic, some of whom include Cristela Alonzo, Tommy Chunn, Noe Gonzalez, Maz Jobrani, Rudy Moreno, Carlos Oscar, Paul Varghese and Thea Vidale. Martin Moreno is the show announcer and guest commentator.