Series Details
Seasons: 2
Total Episodes: 32
Creators: Alexandr Noskov
Networks: STS
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Oct 26, 2020
Recent Air Date: Dec 13, 2022
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Russian
Age Rating: 16+
Website: Link
Production Companies: Nebo
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Moscow, year 1982. Scientist Matvey Pyotrovsky creates a time machine and conducts a scientific experiment, which divides the apartment in two parts. It's first part is left in the 80-s with the professor, while the second one is transported to year 2020 to a modern family: businessman Sergey, his wife Svetlana and daughter Kristina. This kind of coliving creates a lot of trouble for everybody, since layering of two times means each of the families has lost access to the other part of the apartment. But problems don't end there: inventor's grandson Pavel, after waiting for 38 years, tries to prevent one tragic incident.