
TMDB Rating 6
IMDB Rating 6.7

Series Details

Seasons: 3

Total Episodes: 25

Creators: Sebastian La Cause

Networks: dekkoo

Status: Ended

First Air Date: Nov 19, 2011

Recent Air Date: Mar 25, 2014

Run Time: m

In Production: No

Original Language: English

Age Rating: NR

Website: Link

Production Companies:




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Since working as an adult film star and escort since his early twenties, Ryan Crosby, aka Rod Driver, has had a pretty easy life when you think about it. But what happens when you hit forty and the clients aren't calling as much as they used to and doing porn has, well... lost its appeal. Suddenly you begin to see things a bit clearer and you begin to ask yourself questions. What am I doing with my life? Is there something else I can do? What am I passionate about? You realize that you need to make a change. But how do you move forward from the life you no longer want? After an awkward meeting with a career counselor, who tries to extract information about his job history, Ryan heads home and the weight of his situation hits him hard.

Main Cast

Sebastian La Cause

Sebastian La Cause

Ryan Crosby aka Rod Driver

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%



No Crew Added For This TV Show Yet.

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