
IMDB Rating 8.5

Series Details

Seasons: 1

Total Episodes: 9


Networks: ABC TV

Status: Ended

First Air Date: Jun 7, 1981

Recent Air Date: Aug 2, 1981

Run Time: m

In Production: No

Original Language: English

Age Rating: NR

Website: Link

Production Companies:




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I Can Jump Puddles is a 1981 Australian television mini-series based on the 1955 autobiographical series of the same name by author Alan Marshall. Adapted for television by screenwriters Cliff Green and Roger Simpson, the series starred Lewis Fitz-Gerald, Adam Garnett, Tony Barry, Julie Hamilton, Ann Henderson, Lesley Baker, Olivia Brown, Debra Lawrance and Darren MacDonald. Several prominent television actors also had supporting roles including Lisa Aldenhoven, Kaarin Fairfax, Maurie Fields, Terry Gill, Reg Gorman, Matthew King, Julie Nihill, Maureen Edwards and Dennis Miller and Jason Donovan and Cliff Ellen. A large part of supporting and minor roles also featured cameo appearances by cast members of Prisoner such as Esme Melville, Peter Curtin, Ian Smith, Christine Amor, Fiona Spence, Edward Hepple, Sigrid Thornton, Leila Hayes, Sandy Gore, Mary Ward, Anne Phelan. Future cast members included Billie Hammerberg and Pepe Trevor.

Main Cast

Lewis Fitz-Gerald

Lewis Fitz-Gerald

Alan Marshall

Age : 66 | Popularity : 41%



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