Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 13
Networks: TV3
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Jan 11, 2017
Recent Air Date: Feb 15, 2017
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Malay
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: Zeel Production Sdn Bhd
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The story tells the constancy of love towards Karim (Johan Asaari), son of the tycoon Hamidah (Fauziah Nawi). Mary earn a living by working as a maid Zaidi family. Who would have thought, Zaidi in silence feelings against him. Because love, Mary quit her job and wants to marry for love Karim. But the relationship was resisted Hamidah. Karim really loved Mary chose to leave home and marry her. However, Karim are more likely to live independently and negative activities. Mary had worked in a tailor shop owned by Kak Shikin to support his family. Suraya (Mia Ahmad) and Nonie (Ruhainies) who are still in school and requires the attention of Mary and Karim as parents.