Series Details
Seasons: 3
Total Episodes: 38
Creators: Nir Bergman , Jacob Goldwasser , Shay Kanot
Networks: Channel Eser , Channel 2
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Nov 18, 2003
Recent Air Date: Jan 13, 2010
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies:
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The series opens as widow Shimon Sadeh, a successful general contractor, is finishing the year of mourning for his deceased wife. He marries Leah, his daughter's piano teacher. Shimon's eldest son, Ephraim, has become ultra-Orthodox, identifying with his grandfather, Eliahu, who lives with the family and has close bonds and a strong influence. The middle child, Itzik, rejects both going into his father's business to be a musician; and Orthodoxy. Strong-willed, feisty Ariella is finishing high school and considering her options. Many scenes take place in the small Tunisian synagogue headed by Eliahu, and involve the power struggles among the regulars there. The gut-punching drama is largely the work of Oscar-winning director Yankul Goldwasser, who previously directed the popular series Reaching for Heaven; and young director Nir Bergman, who won the Israeli Academy Award for his first film, Broken Wings.