Series Details
Seasons: 6
Total Episodes: 88
Creators: Ian Kennedy Martin
Networks: BBC One
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Aug 30, 1980
Recent Air Date: Dec 21, 1985
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: BBC Studios
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Juliet Bravo was a drama that focused on two female police inspectors, neither of whom were called Juliet Bravo! These two inspectors worked in the small fictional town of Hartley, Lancashire. Jean Darblay was on the scene first and had trouble with her sexist colleagues. However she soon managed to gain their trust and prove a woman could be a successful police officer and housewife. Jean's call sign was Juliet Bravo. When she was promoted and moved on she was replaced by Kate Longton who not only took over the patch but also the headaches that went with it.