Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 8
Networks: Tokai Television Broadcasting
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Aug 4, 2018
Recent Air Date: Sep 22, 2018
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Japanese
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: Tokai Television Broadcasting , TELEPACK
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When Hikari Morimura was 11-years-old, she dreamed of becoming a musical actress. She was close with a musical actress, but the actress was murdered. Her older brother Kunihiko was dating the actress and he was arrested for her murder. Hikari Morimura left her hometown and changed her family name from Morimura to her mother's maiden name of Kitazono. Hikari is now 26-years-old. She still dreams of becoming a musical actress, but her life is tough. She works at a bar and also takes care of her mother. She hears that her older brother Kunihiko has been released from prison. She wants to say goodbye to her brother for the last time as he ruined her life. When Hikari meets her brother, he tells her "I am innocent" and disappears.