Series Details
Seasons: 65
Total Episodes: 1577
Networks: SVT1
Status: Returning Series
First Air Date: Nov 27, 1960
Recent Air Date: Dec 24, 2024
Run Time: m
In Production: Yes
Original Language: Swedish
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: SVT , Way Creative Films
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Where to watch Julkalendern Season 55
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Siblings Sam and Minna and their mother Eva arrive at the Orchid coast to celebrate Christmas in the sun with Aunt Anja and Cousin Bianca. It's the first time after their father's death the siblings are back on his beloved Orchid coast, and to be there is beautiful and sad at the same time. It promises to be an exciting Christmas when a mysterious mask and old pieces of wood from a sunken ship wash ashore at the hotel where they live. Grandfather Ivo tells the three cousins the legend of Pirate Aquila, whose ship sank in the battle for "the greatest treasure of them all". Meanwhile, Sam, Minna and their mother learn that the Orchid coast will be destroyed after Christmas. Can Pirate Aquila's treasure save the coast?
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Department | Role | Name |